WORTH (World Organization of Renal Therapies)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Nurses receiving educational session. This picture really portrays the intensity and dedication of our staff.

Some Pictures

This is a view of part of the unit showing two stations

Continuing Instruction

Recently Carolyn Mcteague returned from Yaounde, Cameroon where she spent a week at the WORTH-CHUY dialysis unit for the purpose of continuing education for the staff there. During that timie she working on polishing technique, policy and proceedeures, trouble shooting. During her stay we finally were able to achieve real time video and audio combined conferenceing. This is a major step forward in communications that will enhance the running of the unit. Special thanks are given to Genzyme Corporation through whose generosity continuing education efforts are made possible.
Review of our statistics show good clearance of metabolic wastes as judged by urea reduction rate (URR). Since we became operational in November of 2006 we have had no deaths and our morbidity is minimal. This compares more than favorably with statistics generated by unitis in the U.S.